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Integrative complements conventional medicine

Dr. Kevin Conners believes an integrative approach is best for cancer patients.

“I graduated as a chiropractor. How does that give me any credence to be doing what I'm doing right now? Well, when that first patient came with a diagnosis of cancer, that really spiked my interest in, ‘OK, I have to do everything I can to get this person better.'

“When we started to see this influx of patients that had a cancer diagnosis, quite honestly, it's like, ‘I don't know if I'm qualified to even care for them.' I ended up going back to school, getting an AMA fellowship in functional medicine, Regenerative Medicine, and integrative cancer therapy, just to give me some more background on how to care for these people. And then you just constantly study to learn this.

“In that training, it's really integrative cancer therapy that I'm trained in,” he says, “Which means, yes, I do the alternative side — try to naturally stimulate a person's immune system to be able to fight cancer — but I'm not against the standards of care.

“Sometimes, doing chemotherapy can save a person's life. And, I think, there's an error when we feel like we have to take sides — either as a patient or as a practitioner. Why can't we all just get together and work together for the better of the patient?”

Contact Dr. Conners by visiting or calling (888) 522-1524.


Complete Series:

The Conners Clinic and the uniqueness of Rife

Choosing the cancer treatment that’s right for you

Integrative complements conventional medicine

Conners Clinic focuses on ‘personalized touch’

Rife is the treatment ‘if I had cancer’

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