Matches for "Lymphomas"
Waiting in line at the grocery store, you’ve seen the headlines touting the health benefits of the ketogenic diet. (Admit it, you look at those magazines too!) But did you know the modern keto diet has been around for almost 100 years? In 1921, Dr. Russell Wilder at the Mayo Clinic first used the diet […]
Every year, more than 12 million dogs and cats are diagnosed with cancer. The main culprit seems to be the manner in which we have treated our environment and the lifestyle of convenience that we have adopted. We look for ready-made, quick solutions for everything — for ourselves and for the pets we bring home. […]
The stomach is situated in the upper abdomen and is part of the digestive system. It helps to digest food. Also called gastric cancer, stomach cancer affects the cells that form the lining of the stomach. The majority of gastric cancers are adenocarcinomas which, generally, start in cells that secrete mucus and other fluids. Gastrointestinal […]
Welcome to Cancer Tutor. Our extensive database of science-based, peer-reviewed material is here to guide you through this season of your life. First, be thankful; you are alive during a time when information can literally save your life! There are volumes of studies and thriver testimonials to help shed light on your cancer journey. Integrative […]
Everyone’s journey with cancer is unique – along every step of the way – and many of those journeys involve chemotherapy. While we hate to see anyone undergo the rigors of chemo, we certainly know that sometimes it is the option that you and your family must choose. And that’s okay. On the other hand, […]
Should weak cancer patients eat meat, fish, etc.? Many times I have worked with cancer patients who thought they should not eat meat, fish, etc. Whether a person can eat these things depends on one key issue: Are they using Kelley Enzymes or Proteolytic Enzymes? If they are talking these enzymes, as part of their […]
Myeloma is a bone marrow cancer. It affects plasma cells in the bone marrow. As the cancerous plasma cells fill the bone marrow, you are not able to make enough normal blood cells. This can lead to anemia, bleeding problems, and infections. Other symptoms include bone pain, fractures due to bone damage, and kidney damage. Myeloma […]