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    What Color Is Your Diet?

    What Color Is Your Diet?

    David Heber, M.D., Ph.D.
    ISBN: 978-0060988623
    In What Color Is Your Diet? renowned medical researcher David Heber, M.D., introduces Eat for Your Genes food plans –– revolutionary approaches incorporating the latest breakthroughs in nutritional and genetic research –– and his unique 7 Colors of Health food–selection system, which groups fruits and vegetables by the colorful, beneficial chemical substances they contain.
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    What To Eat During Cancer Treatment: 100 Great-Ta...

    What To Eat During Cancer Treatment: 100 Great-Tasting, Family-Friendly Recipes to Help You Cope

    Jeanne Besser
    ISBN: 978-1604430059
    This cookbook contains 100 fast, flavorful recipes to help both patient and caregiver prepare satisfying meals to combat some of the side effects of treatment. Recipes are organized by side effects and include Brie and Apple Grilled Cheese to deal with nausea, Lemon Egg-Drop Soup for diarrhea, Blueberry-Peach Crisp for constipation, a Sherbet Shake for sore mouth, and Honey-Teriyaki Salmon for taste alterations.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    What to Eat if You Have Cancer

    What to Eat if You Have Cancer

    Maureen Keane M.S., Daniella Chace M.S.
    ISBN: 978-0071473965
    Cancer and cancer treatment take a toll on your body, but you can help make cancer treatment more effective and reduce its unpleasant side effects with good nutrition. What to Eat if You Have Cancer presents the best foods to fight cancer and suggests ways to keep your body strong--knowledge you need to take control of your health.
  • What Went Wrong: The Truth Behind the Clinical Tr...

    What Went Wrong: The Truth Behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer

    Nicholas J. Gonzalez MD
    ISBN: 978-0982196533
    Dr. Gonzalez has written What Went Wrong, to bring the truth of this project to light, and show how bias, indifference, and at times incompetence undermined a promising research effort that, if properly run, might have ushered in a new direction in cancer treatment.
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    What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About: Breast C...

    What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About: Breast Cancer: How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life

    John R. Lee, David Zava, Virginia Hopkins]
    ISBN: 978-0446615402
    Breakthrough Strategies to Lower Your Risk...and Increase Your Chances of Recovery Breast cancer incidence has risen by 60 percent in the last fifty years. Conventional treatment protocols are simply not working-and they may even be harmful. In this book Dr. John Lee, an internationally renowned expert in natural hormones, teams up with breast cancer researcher Dr. David Zava to present a revolutionary hormone balance program to reduce your risk of breast cancer and help eliminate a recurrence if you already have the disease.
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    What Your Doctor Won’t (or Can’t) Tel...

    What Your Doctor Won’t (or Can’t) Tell You: The Failures of American Medicine – And How to Avoid Becoming a Statistic

    Evan Levine
    Doctors have been silent for too long. Some of us are more interested in getting rich than helping our patients get well. Many are unhappy working in healthcare. It is high time someone blew the whistle..... Perhaps this book's greatest contribution will be 'the beginning of the end of the greatest rip-off ever imposed on the American consumer, ' i.e., our current health care system. - Publishers Weekly
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    What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You: The Comple...

    What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You: The Complete Guide to the Latest in Alternative Medicine

    Jane Heimlich
    ISBN: 978-0060965396
    From hypertension to hardening of the arteries, cancer to cataracts, this authoritative guide surveys the latest conventionalize medical treatments for today's most prevalent diseases. An objective sourcebook on antioxidants, Bach flower remedies, biomagnetism, colon detoxification, electrodiagnosis, fish oils, kinesiology, live cell therapy, ozone therapy, vitamin C infusion and much more.
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    Wheatgrass Nature’s Finest Medicine: The Co...

    Wheatgrass Nature’s Finest Medicine: The Complete Guide to Using Grasses to Revitalize Your Health

    Steve Meyerowitz
    ISBN: 978-1878736987
    New, expanded, and improved, this worldwide best seller has everything you need to know about this wonder plant and its miracle cures. This is possibly the most up-to-date, nutrition filled, research packed book on wheatgrass in print. Learn how to grow wheatgrass and use it for maximum therapeutic benefit in a total health restoration program. Also included are testimonies by people who have been cured using wheatgrass and the history of wheatgrass going back to biblical times
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    When Healing Becomes a Crime: The Amazing Story o...

    When Healing Becomes a Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies

    Kenny Ausubel
    ISBN: 978-0892819256
    When Healing Becomes a Crime exposes the overall failure of the War on Cancer, while revealing how yesterday's unorthodox treatments are emerging as tomorrow's medicine. It probes other promising unconventional cancer treatments that have also been condemned without investigation, delving deeply into the corrosive medical politics and powerful economic forces behind this suppression. As alternative medicine finally regains its rightful place in mainstream practice, this compelling book will not only forever change the way you see medicine, but could also save your life.
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    When Life Gives You Lemons – Squeeze em Dry

    When Life Gives You Lemons – Squeeze em Dry

    Simeon Lindstrom
    ISBN: 978-1534667587
    This is a book about change. No matter who you are, there's a good chance that life has stepped into your self-made narrative and ruined everything, probably more than once. We like to shrug and write off events like this as accidents. We like to focus instead on tinkering with our plans even more, or changing the narrative. Life knocks our tower of blocks down and we start right back up again, building another one. But is there another way to cope when life gives you lemons? This book is also about resilience to change. This book is for you if you've ever felt like life has thrown you a curve ball. It's for you if you've ever experienced an incredible loss and thought Oh god what now?, or felt like your best laid plans came to a screeching halt.
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    Whitewash: The Disturbing Truth about Cows Milk a...

    Whitewash: The Disturbing Truth about Cows Milk and Your Health

    Joseph Keon, Ph.D.
    ISBN: 978-0865716766
    North Americans are some of the least healthy people on Earth. Despite advanced medical care and one of the highest standards of living in the world, one in three Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and 50 percent of US children are overweight. This crisis in personal health is largely the result of chronically poor dietary and lifestyle choices. In Whitewash, nutritionist Dr. Joseph Keon unveils how North Americans unwittingly sabotage their health every day by drinking milk, and he shows that our obsession with calcium is unwarranted. Citing scientific literature, Whitewash builds an unassailable case that not only is milk unnecessary for human health, its inclusion in the diet may increase the risk of serious diseases
  • assorted spices in spoons

    World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17

    World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17

    G.Edward Griffin
    ISBN: 978-0912986500
    Mr. Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease - like scurvy or pellagra - aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man s diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile. This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle. Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics - and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment. This is the most complete and authoritative treatise available on this topic.
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    Yoga for Cancer: A Guide to Managing Side Effects...

    Yoga for Cancer: A Guide to Managing Side Effects, Boosting Immunity, and Improving Recovery for Cancer Survivors

    Tari Prinster and Cyndi Lee
    ISBN: 978-1620552728
    Using yoga to manage the challenges of cancer and its treatment.
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    You Can Beat Prostate Cancer: And You Dont Need S...

    You Can Beat Prostate Cancer: And You Dont Need Surgery to Do It

    Robert J. Marckini
    ISBN: 978-1430312680
    This book is written by a prostate cancer survivor who now runs an international prostate cancer support group. It's about his journey and the important things he learned along the way. It is the book the author wishes had been available when he was diagnosed 6 years ago. It is intended to provide specific information for men who are at risk or have been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. All major treatment options are examined and the pros and cons of each are summarized. A relatively new, non-invasive, highly effective treatment is highlighted.
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    Zest for Life: The Mediterranean Anti-Cancer Diet

    Zest for Life: The Mediterranean Anti-Cancer Diet

    Conner Middelmann-Whitney
    ISBN: 978-0956866509
    The first anti-cancer health book with recipes based on the traditional Mediterranean diet (new international edition), provides all the guidance and practical advice you need to prepare delicious, easy and affordable meals to boost your defenses against cancer.

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